Our History
Our History
Tomorrow's Women (TW) was launched by Baroness Corston in September 2011. The Project was set up to work with women in or on the periphery of the Criminal Justice System by providing tailored interventions to prevent offending and support women to make positive lifestyle changes. Due to the success and growth of the women only Project, Tomorrow’s Women became a registered Charity in 2012 and moved into independent accommodation situated in central Birkenhead, which remains the main centre site to date.
For over a decade, TW has continued to make a huge impact to the Wirral Community and its surrounding areas.
In 2023, TW Chester launched following funding from National Lottery Community Fund, offering support to women in Cheshire West and Chester.
The Charity is available to any adult woman aged 18+ to benefit from support completely free of charge. Women can utilise TW’s diverse range of services which can be seen from our monthly timetable which includes courses, activities, and support sessions to enable woman to be more aware of issues or address their needs such as emotional wellbeing, domestic abuse, substance misuse, poverty or improve social inclusion etc. TW now has over 12,000 members and this number continues to increase.
TW takes a multi-agency, holistic approach to working with women, to target as many support needs a woman may have under one roof. TW have worked with 250+ agencies including solicitors, counselling providers, housing specialists, employment and training advisors, statutory agencies including police, substance misuse key workers etc to help support women within the safe Centres.
Women can be assured that they will be supported quickly, in confidence and by trained staff. TW have three IDVAs and one ISVA on site who can risk assess and support around domestic abuse and sexual violence, respectively.
Both centres are open Monday - Friday 9:30 am- 4pm.
TW work to the principles outlined within The Corston Report produced in 2007
Please read the words from women who have, and are, using the Charity to make positive changes.