Volunteers bring their skills and qualities to working with women and provide invaluable support, experiences and time to benefit women’s lives whilst learning from their experiences and developing their own confidence and skills.
The scope of volunteering at Tomorrow’s Women is vast; volunteers work across the charity in areas including:
Gardening & Horticulture
Skill-based delivery
Mentoring & Peer support
Each volunteer’s time and efforts are invaluable to the services at Tomorrow’s Women and compliments the core support being delivered by staff and partners.
All Tomorrow’s volunteers are DBS checked and have workshops available to them for personal development.
Life experience
Volunteering is a brilliant way to gain life experience - finding new interests and hobbies through volunteering and importantly expanding your work portfolio and boost your career opportunities.
‘We rise by lifting those around us.’
‘If you are empathetic, non judgemental and wanting to support and empower women from your community please reach out to us!’
- Elaine - Volunteer Coordinator
To volunteer at our Birkenhead site please contact elaine@tomorrowswomen.org.uk
To volunteer at our Chester site please contact lisab@tomorrowswomen.org.uk
Contact number: Wirral 0151 647 7907 Chester 01244 906 494