Frequently asked questions
How old do you have to be to access tw?
TW support women aged 18 and over. Girls aged 14-17 can access Tomorrow’s Young Women (Wirral only).
Am I able to bring children to the centre?
Unfortunately, due to safeguarding reasons, no one under the age of 18 is allowed in the centre.
What can TW support with?
TW provides support with a range of issues including mental health, substance & alcohol misuse, confidence & wellbeing, exercise and social isolation. We do this by taking a multi-agency approach and providing women with access to a range of support and services.
I have suffered/ am suffering with domestic abuse, how can you help?
TW have trained IDVAs (Independent Domestic Violence Advisors) and an ISVA (Independent Sexual Violence Advisor) who are trained and qualified to providing support to survivors of domestic and sexual violence.
Is TW confidential?
TW take a strict confidential and non-judgmental approach. We will only disclose what you tell us if there is a risk to yourself or others.
I have a complaint
If you are unhappy about anything to do with TW, please inform a staff member at your earliest convenience who will do their best to resolve the situation. Alternatively, call us to speak to a staff member who will be happy to assist you.
What are your opening times?
TW is open Monday - Friday (except bank holidays).
The centre is open 9:30am - 4pm
Phone lines are open 9am- 5pm
Referrals can be completed 9:30am - 3pm
How do I access TW?
All of our support is carried out within the centre, including referrals. To access support, visit the centre between 9am - 3pm to fill out a referral form with an Empowerment Advisor EA)
What is an Empowerment Advisor?
An Empowerment Advisor (EA) is a staff members within the centre who deliver the courses and support women accessing us. They will gladly try and support any woman with any issue where possible and signpost to other agencies should that be necessary.
I want someone from TW to visit my organisation to give a talk/presentation
We would be more than happy to visit your organisation to give a talk or presentation about TW as well as answer any questions. There is no fee for this, however a donation is always appreciated. Please email katechadwick@tomorrowswomen.org.uk for related enquiries.
I am interested in volunteering at TW.
TW have a number of volunteering opportunities available, with flexibility to fit your interests and schedule.
For Wirral email Elaine at elaine@tomorrowswomen.org.uk
For Chester email Lisa at lisab@tomorrowswomen.org.uk
I am from another organisation, how to I refer someone?
All referral forms must be completed within the centre, however other organisations are encouraged to signpost women to TW.
Do I need to book for courses/activities?
Some of the services such as solicitor appointments are strictly appointment only or have limited spaces, meaning booking is essential. However, booking is highly recommended for all courses and activities to allow for sufficient planning and to avoid disappointment.
Do you offer student placements?
TW offers a number of student placements, varying by course requirements.
For Wirral email Nicky at nicky@tomorrowswomen.org.uk
For Chester email Lisa at lisab@tomorrowswomen.org.uk
How do I find out about upcoming courses?
We release a new timetable each month, please see here or email katechadwick@tomorrowswomen.org.uk
My question isn’t here
If you have any additional queries feel free to contact us and a staff member will be more than happy to help you.